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Writing and Racing Update

It’s been quite a start to 2022 and time has flown by. A minute ago, snow covered the ground and ice winds made it quite an experience to run outdoors.

Early in February, I partially tore two hamstring muscles while rock climbing. Unfortunately, this led to a halt of all physical activity for a week, then a very slow and progressive return to fitness (as of today, probably sitting at 60%). I’m running up to 5km’s at slow paces, waiting for my hamstring to get strong enough to support higher speeds. I’ve also resumed rock climbing, avoiding problems that require a heel hook with my left leg for the time being. This extra time away from fitness has given me time to focus more on writing (more on that below).

Racing Update

I’m currently registered for the Ottawa Spartan Race at the end of May and will soon confirm my participation in the OCR World Championships. Outside of those two races, I will probably take run Mud Hero with Matthew and if he continues to enjoy running with me, we might do another race together. Competitively, it’s going to be a quiet year.

Writing Update

I recently finished another novel, unofficially titled Frost-73. The novel wrapped up at just over 100,000 words, and I think it turned out okay. I’ve put it aside for a few months, so it’s fresh when I start the second draft. I’m currently editing the fourth draft of another novel, The Collective, which I wrote in 2019 and it’s better than I thought it was (thank you to Liam for the helpful edits). When I’ve completed that project, I’ll start going over book two in the Armageddon’s Children trilogy. I had stopped writing it at 30,000 words for various reasons.

I haven’t yet decided on how I want to approach the possible publication of some of these stories. You’ll have to stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “Writing and Racing Update”

  1. Glad to hear you’re starting to get back to form!

    1. Mark PJ Nadon

      Thanks! It’s been a humbling experience. I hope you’re crushing workouts again!

  2. Glad to hear you’re starting to get back to form!

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